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Lost Creek 2008

I feel a little redundant doing this because most of the world knows about the Big Win.  The highlight of my year, maybe my life, was winning Best of Opposite Sex with Marley at the AWC National Specialty.  That makes BOS at two National Specialties in two different countries, as he won that award at the Canadian National in 2007.  Both wins were from the Veteran class, which has always been my heart and my dream.  This dog is the love of my life and it my joy to sit by him on the couch, admiring his handsomeness and enjoying his company.  He is the ultimate gentleman and if he were human, I’d marry him. The other kids have also been doing well this year.  Mary Downings’s bitch Jamaica won the Lower Mainland Whippet Specialty and my boy Austin was BOS to her.  At the same show, Elliott (owned by Chris Downing and myself) was BOW.

The puppies from Mariah and Austin have all had some nice wins this year.  Levi was BOS in Sweepstakes at the first day of the WWWA specialty.  Sister Audre gained points, and a BOB in Canada, as well as BOS in Sweepstakes at the Western Washington Hound Show.  Hilary, who is owned by Nancy Dechant and myself, took her first point at the January shows in Puyallup.  Susie Manthou’s girl Dulce made a great showing at the AWC Specialty, winning 3rd place in a huge class of puppies.   Miranda, who belongs to Jeannette Dorsey, finished her Canadian Championship with BOW at the Whippet Club of B.C. Specialty.  I believe she also won Best Puppy in Show at the Western Gazehound Club.  Olivia, owned by Mary Downing and myself, won a big class at the Lower Mainland Whippet Association.  She also had the honor of being kissed by former President Bill Clinton and there is photographic evidence to prove it.  I am so envious. Austin also had some wins in the states and now needs three points to finish his championship.

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" padding="" margin_top="0px" margin_bottom="0px" class="" id="" animation_type="" animation_speed="0.3" animation_direction="left" hide_on_mobile="no" center_content="no" min_height="none"]Helen with her Canadian National BOB winner Ch. Dragonsong Maddison Ave

I’m not including photos of my dogs because you have all seen them before, in life and in photos.  I am including a photo from the other side of my dog show life.  In June, I had the privilege to judge the Canadian National Whippet Specialty.  What an honor and a treat.  There were an amazing number of very nice dogs shown to me and I have snapshots of all of them.  However, I have only one win photo and that is from my lovely BOB bitch, Ch. Dragonsong Maddison Ave.  She was bred by her owner and basically comes down from Sporting Fields bloodlines.

In October I had another fun judging assignment.  I went to California and judged a Silken Windhound Specialty.  Silken Windhounds are not “longhaired whippets”, though the whippet is part of the ancestry.  They are very appealing medium sized dogs that mostly resemble small Borzoi.  Sorry, I did not include a photo from that show, I can’t find it on my computer.  Suffice to say that she was pretty and brindle.

I hope I have more good things to brag about in 2009 and I also wish the same to all of you.

-submitted by Helen Brettell[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]