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In Memoriam...

Tyrone-Ch. Whimsy's Pipsissewa, 8/2/97-7/27/10

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He came from the Monika x Griffin "wildflower" litter, so he was Maurice's nephew, and the two of them formed a wonderful pair. Tyrone was the "muscle" and Maurice was (is) the "brain". Together they were unstoppable. Tyrone drew admiration for his blond bombshell gorgeousness and was always the "People's Choice" when approached out strolling the neighbourhood. One touch of those velvet ears was all it took.

His beauty served him well in the show ring, but his powerful athleticism surfaced in the hunt. He was keen, very keen, for small game. Maurice and he quickly made short work of any rodent that made the mistake of straying into our yard. They were the scourges of squirrels all over Seattle, hunting like velociraptors, even on leashes, with a ridiculously high body count.

At home he was the perfect gentleman, he sang out his name--"roh-roh" with joy, and loved nothing more than to flop down on the cushions surrounded by family. I have unending gratitude for Mary and Chris Downing, who entrusted me with this lovely dog.

He was blond and beautiful, every day of his life. I loved him then and now.

Please visit his photo gallery.

Fondly, Annie Jacobs[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]