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Happy New Year!

I completely forgot about the year-end annual reports we've had for members the last few years, until I got one from Jo yesterday and it reminded me! Thanks Jo! In any event, now is the time to submit your annual reports for the WWWA website! Please send me a write-up of your activities and achievements in 2010. There is no charge, no limit on how much copy, and as many photos as you would like to submit with your report will be gladly accepted. Even if you think you didn't accomplish anything big, or your dogs are mostly retired stay-at-homes, please share the highs (and lows) of your year with your whippets. There is technically no deadline, but in order to keep this slightly more timely and not have 2010 reports dribbling in late into 2011, lets try to get these submitted to me by the end of January. But if you miss the "deadline" no worries, I'll publish it whenever I get it. I'm also getting really bored with the current design of the website, which served its purpose as a nice transitional design from the old site to the new one, but I'm itching to try something different. Since the winter months are pretty slow, I'll be working on a new design over the next few weeks. There really shouldn't be any downtime on the site, but don't be surprised if you visit it one day to find it looks different.

Also, I know this is very long overdue and I'm sorry it has taken me so long to accomplish this, but I will finally be working on the members-only section so we can move the club business stuff from the public site into a password protected area. Expect to hear more details from me in the coming weeks about that.

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and safe and happy New Year. All the best to our WWWA friends in 2011!

- submitted by Beth Levine